Gen Z Party

Climate Change

We are experiencing a climate crisis.

Our climate is changing faster than scientists predicted. The stakes have never been higher.

We want Australian homes powered for free by 100% clean energy sources: solar, wind, and nuclear.

Our Plan

  1. Join forces with the Greens Party in their fight for Net Zero.
  2. Ensure that all Australians are fair and equal shareholders of Australia’s natural wealth, first through the taxing of profits of dirty exports, and later by restoring resource mines to the National Trust. (National resources should be used for the common good).
  3. Impose burdensome tax penalties on all transnational corporations companies operating in Australia that create or use single use plastic items (twenty global firms produce 55% of world’s plastic waste).
  4. Use the profits of exporting coal to make electricity free and fund the transition to clean energy.
  5. Fight for the majority of our electricity to be from clean and nuclear sources, as in China, the United States, India and France.
  6. From a position of energy abundance, cut all use of dirty energy.

We have all the resources we need to be 100% clean.
We are Environmental Progressivists.
Through science, we can save our planet.

You thought it was bad…

Without us, it will only get worse.